This post is exactly what it says on the tin!
Good day, fellow Ludum Darees!
Today I had the idea for yet another game jam! The New-Year Game Jam!
It’ll happen on from December 31st, 12:00 am until January 2nd, 12:00 am (in your timezone, because the new year starts at a different time for everyone!)
There will be no limitations on who can enter, and what you can enter with! Just make a game for the new year, and have fun while doing so!
So, if you enjoyed LD and want some more game jam madness: JOIN ME!
If you are entering the 1GAM thing, you can finish your first game on day 1!
Website here
And that’s all I have to say for now! You may also consider checking my Twitter here
Be sure to check the website daily to keep up-to-date!